We both have no idea if we are gonna be together in the end. But one thing's for sure that I'll do everything I can to make it happen——我们都不能确定最终能否在一起,但能确定的是,为了在一起,我会拼尽全力。
9.You keep on concentrating on the things you wish you had or things you wish you didn’t have and you sort of forget what you do have.-Nick Vujicic——如果你不停的纠结于你所没有的或者不想要的,你就会忘记你真正拥有的。—尼克•胡哲
I don't wanna be your 'number one' that implies there are a number two and maybe a number three. I want to be your only one——我不想做你的“第一”,因为那就意味着还有第二,第三……我只想做你的“唯一”。
We both have no idea if we are gonna be together in the end. But one thing's for sure that I'll do everything I can to make it happen——我们都不能确定最终能否在一起,但能确定的是,为了在一起,我会拼尽全力。