I don't claim the status of a photographer, I just take the pictures. When a subject catches my attention there's no time for analysis or composition. My work is instinctual.

This Major Mitchell's cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri), also known as Leadbeater's cockatoo or pink cockatoo, lives at Parrots in Paradise, a bird attraction in Glass House Mountains, Queensland, Australia. Sartore photographed the cockatoo as part of his Photo Ark project, through which he is doc
On Sundays during Mes de la Cometas, or Kite Month, the sky over Cartagena, Colombia, fills with colorful kites moving in every direction. "I knew this was a great opportunity for photography," says Your Shot contributor Massimo Rumi, who on arriving at a park found that the many colors, families,
No more than five inches long, a baby garden lizard of the Calotes genus rests on a cactus in Your Shot contributor Arpan Parui's backyard. "I first saw it on a winter morning sitting on a brick," Parui says. "Its dreamy eyes, basking in the pleasures of its surroundings, caught my attention." A r
A forest floor in North Carolina is traced with the movement of blue ghost fireflies in this time-lapse image by Your Shot contributor Spencer Black, who says the element of surprise compels him toward long-exposure photography. "These fireflies are unique because their blink pattern is much longer
Children gather around a French Quarter snowball wagon in this Autochrome image originally published in the April 1930 issue of National Geographic. "These are the only 'snowballs' the children of New Orleans have ever seen," says the picture's caption, "as snow has not fallen there in fifty years."
In Paris, old limestone quarries fan out in a deep and intricate web under many neighborhoods, mostly in the southern part of the metropolis. Here, a fire thrower named Louis spins light at a gathering in one old quarry. Nearly all of the more than 180 miles of quarry tunnels are off-limits, but par
Photographer James Stanfield captured the city of Salvador, Brazil, for a 1969 story on Charles Darwin's voyage aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. "A peculiar and rather fantastic style of architecture," National Geographic quotes Darwin, who was impressed by the city and its grand view of All Saints Bay. "B
Structural engineer and Your Shot community member Akira Takaue captured this shot at the Mall of Asia while on a business trip in Manila, Philippines. The city "has a lot of interesting and characteristic architecture," says Takaue. Check out the bold new look and feel of Your Shot, where you can
A red-spotted porcelain crab clings to an anemone in this underwater photo from a member of our Your Shot community. The tiny crustaceans often tuck themselves away under stones, among sponges, amid mussels, and in other hiding spots. Check out the bold new look and feel of Your Shot, where you can