- wrath: a detached vision encouraging people to snap into action: the sealed bottle means you can’t get at the fragrance, unless you break it using the hammer (supplied!)– 除非用小锤子砸碎了才能使用的香水,象征愤怒
- wrath: a detached vision encouraging people to snap into action: the sealed bottle means you can’t get at the fragrance, unless you break it using the hammer (supplied!)– 除非用小锤子砸碎了才能使用的香水,象征愤怒
- pride: a container which is out of all proportion to its contents (a few millilitres). In addition to this, the large surface area of the metal finish top reflects back the image of anyone who wishes to gaze into it.- 一个容器中的液体仅占极小的比例,除此之外,大面积的金属反光,吸引着众人目光,象征着骄傲