BX-小王 2021年2月10日 23:36


阅读量 180449 次

1.人和人渐行渐远的时候 都觉得对方变了

As people move away from each other, they feel that each other has changed



When a person who lacks love receives a gift, he is not surprised, but is thinking about how to repay


3.摔了一跤 虽然很疼 但我不怪路不平 怪我眼睛没看清

I fell and it hurts, but I don’t blame the uneven road, I blame my eyes for not seeing clearly



I really envy when I first met, I was enthusiastic and hypocritical, fresh and romantic.


5.我可以跟你聊通宵 也可以九点就跟别人说晚安 看对谁罢了 忙不忙都是分人的啊 你知不知道 你什么都不知道

I can talk to you all night, or I can say goodnight to others at nine o’clock. It’s up to you to see who you’re doing. Do you know if you’re busy? You don’t know anything.



There are rotten dreams in the night, and there are repeating people in the dreams


7.取消了置顶 却发现你排在了最后

I canceled the top but found that you were at the end


8.可是为什么 你抛下我后 你安然无恙 我魂牵梦绕

But why after you left me, you are safe and sound


9.都怪我 偏偏要爱 偏偏要等待 偏偏幻想我是例外 不知好歹

I'm all to blame, I just want to love, I just want to wait, I just fantasize that I'm the exception, I don't know what to do



You might as well choose your future. The details are in mathematics, the long story is in writing, and the desire for protection is in the ranking. The future is the same as him. You have a boundless future. How long can he stay with you?


11.他带着一身光再次闯进你的生活 明知道回不去你却还想再跳一次

He breaks into your life again with a full body of light, knowing you can’t go back, but you still want to jump again



Someone treats you nicely, you only want to send a good person card, and someone sits there, but you want to give your heart out


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