:∥倘若我不是一时兴起呢 倘若我就是个大情种没你不行呢 如果说我想和你有个家呢 你会不会嫌我幼稚.
What if I'm not on a whim? What if I'm a big lover and I can't do without you? What if I want to have a family with you? Will you think I'm childish.
:∥倘若我不是一时兴起呢 倘若我就是个大情种没你不行呢 如果说我想和你有个家呢 你会不会嫌我幼稚.
What if I'm not on a whim? What if I'm a big lover and I can't do without you? What if I want to have a family with you? Will you think I'm childish.